Spanish for Kids 1st-3rd 12:30 - 1:25 p.m.

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Spanish for Kids 1st-3rd 12:30 - 1:25 p.m.


Instructor: Jennifer Bishop
Email address:
Grade: 1st-3rd
Monthly Cost: $36
Materials Fee: $28

Time: 12:30 am - 1:25 pm

Required Materials: Colored pencils and glue stick

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(Spanish for Kids 1st - 3rd) Course Description: This introductory Spanish course will provide a fun and interactive experience for a student’s initial phases of exposure to the Spanish language. This course, designed specifically for younger students, focuses principally on comprehension, basic conversation skills, pronunciation, and vocabulary acquisition through stories, games, songs, coloring, and practice activities. Several basic concepts taught in this course will include colors, numbers, animals, food, seasons, weather, holidays, and more. A weekly homework assignment will be sent home. These will not be graded but will be used to further support the learning process. Students who return with completed homework will earn a trip to the Treasure Box. All teaching communication will be a fully bilingual immersive experience, where all instruction will be provided in both Spanish and English. Students will be immersed in Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures in a fun environment where they can explore meanings and begin to express themselves through simple words and phrases.

I have attended a private university in Mexico and earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Spanish Language & Literature. My time spent living in Mexico, as well as mission trips to both Mexico and Honduras, have all increased my fluency and understanding of Latin American cultures. I am also an adoptive mother to two sons from Mexico. I truly believe that learning new languages equips future generations to share Christ’s love both locally and globally. I am excited to instill a love for the Spanish language and for Spanish-speaking cultures and to share that passion with future generations.